Cantonese Roast Duck

Ingredients :
1 duck, about 5 pounds, fresh or frozen
1 tb salt
1 scallion
3 slices fresh ginger
1 tb light corn syrup
2 tb water
1 tb soy sauce
Few sprigs fresh cilantro, for garnish

Direction :
Thaw the duck, if frozen. Remove any excess fat, and rinse and pat dry with paper towels. Rub the entire surface of the duck, inside and out, with the salt. Cover and refrigerate for several hours, or, overnight. Put the scallion in the cavity and lay the slices of ginger on top of the duck. Add at least 2 inches of water to a large flameproof roasting pan with a lid and put the pan on the stove. Place a large rack in the roasting pan and bring the water to a boil. Choose an oval casserole large enough to hold the duck and small enough to fit into the roasting pan. Place the duck in the casserole and then put the casserole on the rack. Cover and steam for 1 hour, checking the water level from time to time and adding more boiling water if necessary. Save the duck broth to use in soups or stir fry dishes. 


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